Jon Covich has been immersed in the fly fishing industry for the past 35 years as a tackle rep and travel advisor. He became interested in fishing Cuba in the 1990’s, and has now traveled there for more than 40 weeks. He has been to every one of Cuba’s fishing destinations numerous times.

Colombia came on Jon’s radar in 2017, and he traveled there the next year to explore the fishing possibilities. He has now traveled to the interior jungle and Pacific Coast of Colombia more than a dozen times. He is passionate about fly fishing, travel, and making sure that his clients have a great experience. Jon is the owner of World Fly.



A fisherman at six years old, Armando became impassioned with fly fishing and fly tying as a teenager. With this passion, Armando early on explored waters in Colombia where fish had never seen an angler. Eventually, his expertise in tying flies for these fish lead him to found Orinoco Flies; a company  focusing on providing flies for predatory jungle and ocean fish.

Armando came on our radar when we were constantly recommended to buy his amazing flies. Jon ended up on a trip to Akuani River Lodge with him, and they fished together most every day. They soon became friends, and it was logical that with Armando’s lifelong experience fishing all around Colombia, his incredible flies, not to mention impeccable english, that he should join World Fly. Clients will learn much with Armando, not just about Colombia’s fishing, but the country and culture as well.